KML file for Google Earth, dunsmore-crossings-nfcda-3.kml: open | download
This map is the first digital representation of an exhibition for the Staff House Museum in Kellogg, Idaho to celebrate the 150th anniversary (2009) of the Mullan Road coming through the area. Spanning the width of eight 40" x 30" panels, a detailed map shows the probable route of the Mullan road. Each panel also includes photographs and comments from the road-builders and travelers of the era.
The probable location of the Mullan Road was determined primarily from General Land Office (GLO) survey plats made between 1872 and 1898. The display maps also mark the seventeen Coeur d'Alene River crossings, twenty-eight North Fork Coeur d'Alene River crossings, and forty-six St. Regis River crossings as listed by Mullan in his 1863 report.